Maybe someone knows another programs for comfortable combatfield searching. Should it work like that or it is a bug?Ģ) What is an issue with additional monolith subtypes, do someone exactly know whether it is bugged or not? I put additional monolith with subtype '8' on my map, it doesn't bug yet but i'm afraid after reading this thread.ģ) Question, that i should ask not in this thread, but still, do someone know about BattlefieldExplorer program? Someone uploaded his '.jar'-file on 11 page of mapmaker thread, i downloaded it and it doesn't work, there is no 'search' button there. This MapEditor is something purely beautiful and it makes my work as mapmaker like 3 or 4 times easier.ġ) When i'm typing positive number in one of Primary stats field, defense, for example, and pressing 'up' button, it sets value to '-2' instead, it works fine if the number is negative though. First of all i would like to thank RoseKavalier for all hard work he is done.